CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program. The goal of CrossFit is to get you stronger and fitter in a wide variety of ways, not just one or two. It is effective, efficient and safe, and for absolutely anybody! The phrase “General Physical Preparedness” (GPP) is often used to describe this goal. Prepared for any physical task that life throws at you – at work, playing sport, playing with your kids, moving house, running for a bus, accidentally signing up for a half-marathon… Not knowing in advance what all the requirements of life might be, it’s important to be able to do practically anything, and do it well! CrossFit achieves this with the following prescription: Constantly Varied, Functional Movements, executed at High Intensity. The appropriate application of each of these three components is critical to maximising your GPP, your overall strength and conditioning, your ‘fitness’. They will be explored in greater...
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